Fire and rescue

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Revision as of 15:35, 30 August 2020 by Mb-phra (talk | contribs)
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If you see fire or smoke coming from a flat or elsewhere at Park Hill, please telephone 999.

Fire safety advice

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue recommends taking the following precautions to reduce the likelihood of suffering a fire at home.

  • Make sure you have smoke alarms on every floor of your home
  • Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they are working. Please test smoke alarms regularly.
  • Take extra care in the kitchen and never leave cooking unattended
  • Never, ever use a chip pan or any other pan filled with hot oil
  • Don’t overload electric sockets - most can only take a maximum of 13 amps
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children
  • Keep clothes well away from heaters and open fires
  • Put out cigarettes properly and dispose of them carefully
  • Don’t charge things like mobile phones, tablets or e-cigs overnight, or longer than the recommended charging time