The Cut

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The Cut

The Cut was created through Flank B during Phase 1 of the redevelopment to allow pedestrian access from the bottom of South Street into the courtyard. It also serves as the locations of the main entrance to the building, the lobby and the sales office.

Missed Delivery Card Box

Missed Delivery Card Box

A box is located outside the main entrance for delivery drivers to deposit missed delivery cards, should they be unable to contact a resident through the entry panel or gain access to the building. Please however, be aware that this is not routinely checked.



An emergency defibrillator is located outside the entrance to the sales office.

Please familiarise yourself with the procedure for using it should the need arise in an emergency. A designated resident at Park Hill is registered with Yorkshire Ambulance Service and is responsible for regularly checking its condition. If you notice any damage or have any questions, please contact Park Hill Residents’ Association.